Notice: I've taken a part-time job, and it's definitely affecting my blogging time. I'll continue to add content here as often as possible. Pertinent guest posts are always welcome.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A View of the NCT

Manistee River in Winter
Manistee River (photo from GHTC newsletter)

by Arlen Matson

Hidden under wind blown Lake Michigan ice crystals, our portion of the NCT lies deep in freshly fallen snow. A blizzard attempts to blow it off the path; instead random drifts careen off the trunks of trees. Vertical blue blazes remain through this white season on guard to direct any attempt by a hiker on snowshoes or skis to find some destination.

The summer caterpillars and their silky parachute cords have vanished from sight. Even the imprints on the tread from the trail crew laden with tools and heavy planks are only history from labors well done. Adopters too have their cuttings submerged in a true Michigan winter.

This is an invitation for you to enter into the “treasures of the snow. Valley of the Giants
Valley of the Giants (photo from GHTC newsletter)

This segment is on NCTA map MI-05

See Grand Traverse Hiking Club Chapter of the NCTA

1 comment:

Con Artist Trickster said...

It looks beautiful. If only I could get there and do some hiking.