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Thursday, October 29, 2009

New York Erv Markert Hike

hikers with umbrellas
Erv Markert hikers (photo by Larry Blumberg)

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submitted by Larry Blumberg

Led by John Morris's stand-ins, Alex and Michelle Gonzales, ten of us truly enjoyed a wet, drippy, and at times dreary-looking day out on the Finger Lake Trail's Spanish Loop (FLT Map M19) west of the Greek Peak Ski Resort.

This was the Erv Markert Fall Hike, the third in an annual series of FLTC "named hikes" (just in case you were wondering, the Spring hike is named after the FLTC's first president, which was back in the '60's, Wally Wood; and, the Summer hike is named for Ed Sidote, who currently serves as the FLT's end-to-end coordinator).

While John had planned our hike and had certainly intended to be our leader, knee problems limited him to meeting us at the start and finish of the hike. However, he took on that mission with a zeal - he secured free drink coupons for us for after the hike over at the Gatherings Restaurant near Greek Peak. So, John, feel free to "lead" a hike for us anytime!

hikers with umbrellas
Spanish Loop Trail (photo by Larry Blumberg)

All told, between the Spanish Loop and a couple of side loops off the Spanish Loop, plus some additional mileage on the FLT over to the site of what may have been an old mine of some sort, we covered about 7 wet miles... it was a good test of our rain and foot gear !

See more pictures from this hike
See Finger Lakes Trail

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